_2019_Build On Love

Parkview Mirro Center for Research & Innovation

Friday March 15th 2019 6:30 pm –  9:30 pm

Ticket Sales are Closed. If you do not have a ticket, you can get one tomorrow night as a walk-in at the door.

Every year over 20,000 youth age out of foster care with no family and no place to go. 1 in 4 will become homeless, sixty percent of the young men become criminals, seventy-one percent of the females will become single moms, only fifty percent of these youth will have gainful employment by the age of 24, and less than 3% will ever graduate college. 

 Unhealed,their broken lives spill over into our lives every day; yet, they often go unnoticed. Until a massacre like Stoneman Douglas High School occurs in Parkland, FL. Your financial partnership can positively impact the pain associated with their trauma and the trauma they often cause. As you partners with FaMBET, the trauma underneath these alarming statistics heal.

At program completion, residents will be gainfully employed, will own their home debt free, and enrolled in a local college. Part of Build on Love generosity will underwrite the purchase and renovation of a home located within a mile of our church for our graduating resident. Come with your work or church group and sign up for renovation projects like demolition, painting, and landscaping. It truly does take a village’s love and effort to discover, develop and empower at-risk youth. To hear how you can be a hero in the fight to win and empower foster youth through love, purchase your ticket NOW! And join us as we Build on Love! Hear first-hand stories of triumph from the residents.

Our guest musician Leon Timbo is sure to inspire you and help you see The Father's loving heart for the fatherless.

Our Emcee for the evening is non-other than Star 88.3's electrifying and dynamic Melissa Montana!

Doors open at 6:00 pm for easy registration, delightful hors d'oeuvres, and time to meet and greet.

Program starts promptly at 6:30 pm

Come and be enlightened, inspired, and a hero to the fatherless! 


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Parkview Mirro Center for Research & Innovation

10622 Parkview Plaza Dr, Fort Wayne, IN 46845, USA

Map of Event Location
